Call For Tutorials

The IEEE RASSE 2024 Organizing Committee invites proposals for tutorials to be held during the conference. Tutorials offer participants from different backgrounds the chance to explore innovative trends and learn new techniques from experts on specific topics in systems science and engineering. The aim is to attract a broad audience, including professionals, researchers, students, and practitioners – anyone who wishes to enhance their knowledge of the selected tutorial topics. The focus of the tutorial will be on well-organized, systematic presentations of educational value. RASSE 2024 solicits proposals for tutorials of 1.5- or 3-hour duration. The selected tutorials will be held on the first day of the conference.

Proposal Format

The proposal should be concise (maximum five pages) and clearly describe the content and objectives of the tutorial and shall include:
• Title of the tutorial
• Abstract, objectives, and motivation
• Name, affiliation, and a short biography (maximum 200 words) of each tutorial instructor
• A description of the topics that the tutorial will address, emphasizing their timeliness
• An outline of the tutorial, including a tentative schedule
• When relevant, a description of the previous tutorial experience of the instructor(s).
• Link to video recordings of public lectures by the instructor(s), if available.

Instructors are encouraged to prepare various materials, such as handouts or electronic resources, available for distribution before or during the tutorial. Setting up specific web pages for tutorials is highly encouraged. 

Submission Guidelines

The proposal should be submitted in a single PDF file, not exceeding 5 pages, for review, through the submission portal

Important Dates